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Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:33 pm
by Matt
thats because football(under any nation) is too popular for what it school started off being a computer specialist school....then lost that when ...*dum dum dum* Football took over the funding.....but (heres the great bit)...the rest of the school went on strike...teachers and pupils(not literally) we just sat in classrooms doinging nothing...and threw the ofsted inspection we worked but gave the school a really poor review...ofsted wanted to talk to us 6th formers...been the first ones ever at the school...we said...not enough ict equiptment....drama students sed not enough equiptment too

to sum it up..we got what we wanted...the I.C.T dept got a sony sponcership...well soon to come

and the drama dept got a huge BBC grant...the sports in our school are nothing now..none of the pupils were even arsed about doing games

i hated games....never brought my did exactly one half of my group...a clear message

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:52 pm
by ReDeemer
We'd be considered lucky of we even got scolarships or even one dime for sport related activities in school here - I took another year of highschool after I was supposed to graduate - just to fill in any gaps that I may have missed earlyier in the years, and almost no one here got sport scholarships AT ALL.

Just proves how much Oregon's economy sucks - They take away sport and extra curricular activities from us and make us suffer. Those here who actually have sports scholarships or whatever - consider yourself lucky. You lived in Oregon , you'd probably be living with you parents still if you were an all-star quarterback and captain of the foot ball team.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 3:18 pm
by Mik
What pisses me off is I am an avid reader and collector of information, I love knowledge and I can grasp concepts quite quickly. I love the idea of learning more about history but, I was shit at it, ast school, cause it focused on fuck all and was extremely vague.

If I think it's irrelevant and/or it's not interesting me I just won't care. For instance I love viking mythology and history. I have and still do read tonnes of books on it but we spent less than a week on it when I was 10 (which started me off in it).

Kids aren't incouraged enough to pick soemthing they find enjoyable and go for it. Since I was no age people asked me 'what do I want to be when I grow up?' or some other such variantion and my answer has always been 'I don't know' cause how am I supposed to know and I still don't.

Who cares? that was the resopnse to most of my schooling, nowadays I'd love to have the ability to learn about the subjects I took, which comes to my point, school is wasted on the young.

from the age of 5, kids are tested to see how much random shit they can pile into their brain and vomit it back out into a test paper. This form of one test after another is hardly extremely inspiring at an age where most find it difficult to concentrate for longer than 15 minutes.

I'm crap at tests, I hate them, I find them a rubbish way to find ot if someone knows something, aplicaltion of knowledge is better than regurgataion. There is a Green and veteran solider there is no A+ or C- there's what you can do and what you can't.

When I was 14, I was sent to a summer school of sorts, it's specailised in Chemistry. Which was a dumb move by my parents cause I was good at chemistry anyway, they where just pissed cause my grade had dropped a notch or two. It was a lot more informal and the teacher was intrested in finding out what we needed to know in order for us to get to a general knowledge of the subject. I have always responded better to this form of teaching, low numbers focused and deliberate, we spent 5 days on solely chemistry the teacher couldn't understand why I was there, he forbade me from answering questions at one point.

In my time table at school I had 7 classes in one day, ranging form History to home enconmics, from Physics to Business Studies. How fuck are you meant to absorb anything with that level of diversity.

The answers are easy, when question is What is ?, the question should be Why is this so. The people who excell at schools are the people that can remember and recite absolutes. 4 + 4 is 8, the sky is blue, cars use fossil fuels, captiolism saved the world. Never how or why, or if so only vaguely and no one ever questions anything, I once asked about some part of a physics class, how they had came about there conculsion and i was told 'they just did, it's not important you'll never be asked'

All that got threw to me was
what a waste of time.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 10:04 pm
by Matt
at school i was scorned upon for wanting to know more after a subject or topic was done with....we knew what we had o know and that was all they were gonna do

i agree whole heartedly with you mik....its shit how they wont...not dont....but wont teach beyond the you say "why" is out of the question...

this has changed for me just history teacher takes pride in breaking that mould..we ask why and he will tell us exactly why and then some....when he was at school(co-insidently in ireland) he could not get a straight answer out of his teachers....simply cos they didn't know.....

i think your right too school is wasted on the children are yong at school i think they should be made to go there less often then they do now.....and increase this time as they get older...keeping them keen...otherwise 10 yr olds dont go cos they are simply sick of it....the school leavin should be 18...alevels to follow

but im just a simple man with BIG ideas what can i do?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 5:04 am
by Vandire
we should be given more choice into what we wish to learn and to what degree we want to leanr about something, primary school was too restrictive for me, thus i got bored easily, and did some pretty stupid things, then highschool, ment to offer more choice, but not so, still as restrictive as ever, most teachers woulndt as you say, teach beyond what they were payed for. Most of what i know i know from reading into things i had an intterest, school was pretty much a waste for me, i got sick of it in fifth year and left (keyed my english teachers car cos shes pissed me off just a little bit too much) but i never felt i was presured in school, unless it was to do or learn somehting i felt was pointless. Homework for instance, i didnt see the point, it was an excuse for the teachers to shout at me as far as i could tell, i never done it, and i stated to my teachers at the start of term, "its not part of the curiculum, i dont have to do it" which was true, not sure about that now likes, but yeah, i got bitched at, and shit, presured into doing things i didnt want to do and it didnt benefit me at all, if they want people to reach there full potential, they need to be guided with what they want to do, let them make there own desicions based on there own opinoins.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 6:39 pm
by Matt
i hated the homework....cos it was to be done at spend 6 hours there a day...only to come home and do another 2 hours working at home...fuck that..!!

glad i dont get it no more...cos be bollocked for not doing it...we used to get after school detentons for failure to complete home work...which i refused to do...making me get excluded for periods of time..

it wasn't untill my mother pointed out to school it would be better for my education that i was in there instead of being at home...after that they stopped haggling me to do it and let me get on with it....homework takes up too much time from my friends....they dont come out if they have it....instead they stay in to do it.....why i dont only means they get no social life

coursework is a different adds to your grade...and is needed....but i think in the 6 hours or so we spend trapped in school we could do it then....not at home......i have even heard of my friends staying up untill 3 in the morning and then looking like they had just escaped the holocaust in the morning

not good for health!!

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 4:08 am
by Evil Matt
A lot of us here don't like the undue attention that sports get in school. Not surprising, considering that this is a web forum and we're probably a bunch of geeks. I'm of the same mind, but I think there's a place for physical education and extracurricular activities, like sports. We're just going about it wrongly.

When I was in school, physical education didn't educate anyone. They just made us play sports, or run, or work out until class was over. We were graded solely on participation. There's no question that making students exercise is good for them, but there was no attempt to teach why or how we should be exercising. I'd rather see teachers show how different activities work different muscle groups, how good health improves your life, etc. In short, physical education needs less physical and more educational.