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John Carter of Mars

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:37 am
by kaos
John Carter of Mars

Tries too hard to be the original Star Wars movies.... Succeeds...But nobody wants Star Wars anymore. so it feels Dated. but then the source material is Dated as hell too. so maybe it came natural.

Surprising how silly the CG looks...and theirs a lot of it.
This is Disney with a ridiculous budget, and the CG is off? WTF?.

also its they pulled a lot of punches.
I wish someone other than Disney made it. somebody unafraid of violence.

that said...
I liked it.

Re: John Carter of Mars

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:18 am
by Melana
I actually really liked it. You've got to remember that John carter actually pre-dates Starwars so alot of those concepts aren't ripped off from Starwars. If anything Johncarter the books influenced starwars.

Re: John Carter of Mars

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:23 am
by kaos
yeah, I meant more the way the film itself was put together.
everything from how it was scored, the weird jump cuts, and the overall pacing.