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Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 4:25 am
by Super Goat Weed
Masteroftheweb wrote:And you're right, we don't live in a utopia... and we never will, because people can't get over small shit like a word.
right, because words mean nothing

it's not like they are the most commonly used form of human comunication or anything, or like there's any real meaning or intent behind them, they are just words...


seriously Will, you gotta think about this stuff. Do you even know what that word means?

You're so over the line on this one it's insane.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:45 pm
by Matt
This is all hilarious. I didn't even direct it at Kaos (which I wouldn't have even tried to) and mass debate has formed around my use of the word "nigga"

I agree with Will. If I can't say the word, you can't either. If it's derogatory from me it's the same from you. Isn't it time we lived in a society where we have one rule for all? Instead of one rule for one and another for the other?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:29 pm
by XenoRaven
Lol It's not like if a white guy uses the word, Thor, mighty god of thunder, will come down and smite them with his hammer. You can say whatever you want, whenever you want. I could call you a tea-sucking buck-toothed limey right now. I don't think I'll hear Constable Watson knocking my door with his baton. There are no "rules" in regards to this sort of thing. There's just social acceptability. You don't go to jail for doing something not considered socially acceptable, it just makes other people think you're either a jerk or a deviant. If that doesn't bother you, then use the word all you want. No one can physically stop you. But the fact is, there are people out there who find that unacceptable, and there aren't any rules saying they can't beat you bloody. Laws? Maybe. But laws are no good if you don't get caught.

To be quite honest, I think the word shouldn't be used by anyone period. When taken into context the word is extremely offensive, regardless of who uses it. That's one of the things I can't stand about modern culture. We've been taught that no word in the dictionary holds any more weight than any other. The most offensive of words are used without any actual meaning and we become totally complacent to some of the most serious of offenses. Then again, perhaps we've never been taught that, we just don't care about other people. It's most likely a combination of both. All I know is, social issues that run as deep as the division between "black" and "white" aren't fixed by childishly aggrevating that boundary. I don't see why anyone would even want to tread anywhere near the frontier that encourages the separation of a people who should have never been separate in the first place.