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Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:47 am
by Shroomygirl
*People in the town watched as a dark storm began to close in around them, the clouds deep black with sick greens and purples lurking between the clouds the lightning stretched out across the sky like fingers gripping out for life...the elders in the town began to tell tales about how storms like this marked a visit by death himself and how all the life in a single town would be drained and the blood of the victims would be formed into the symbole of death to warn the world of of his return...and thus people in the town began to fear the night ahead of them*

*Across the fields before the town walked a lone figure in a black cape that whipped about in the wind of the storm, along side the figure dragged a long scythe. The trail from the scythe soon began to open up as demons began to slowly creep out and follow their master, thier moans and hisses starting to cause the people of the town to coward into thier homes and pray for mercy from the gods...all the while the figure took in a deep breath of the fear in the air before stopping short of the towns gates. Then the figure turned to the demon army, now begining to claw and howl at the town, some arming themselves for the slaughter of the night.*

Tonight we shall cause the world to know that Death has returned to this plane...tonight the blood of the innocent and guilty shall run together as a warning to those who mocked Death...tonight we feast on the souls...tonight we warn the world of changing times...TONIGHT...tonight DEATH SHALL RAISE AGAIN!

*With the last words of the speech, the demon army sprang into the town and began to drain the town of life...the demons ripped, ravaged, destroyed the innocent mortals as thier master walked slowly through the towns main street laughing as people called out to thier gods for help, some people came stubbling to the figure begging for which the figure would respond by resting its scythe into the body sending sprays of blood and screams of horror and pain into the air...before it was all said and done the demon's master stood at the highest point of the town watching as the demons dragged the bodies to spill the blood into the symbole of death around the city...this would serve as the great warning*

*As the symbole was being made, two high ranking demons dragged up the towns priest and tossed him to the figures feet*

Priest, you know what is happening here. I do not need to waste my time with details...I do however will spend time telling you to seek out the one known as Bobo...and I do need you to explain in detail what you saw here...what you heard...

Priest: Why have you've done this...the gods will not stand for this...

*Laughing a laugh full of creulty the figure removed the hood of the cloak to revele the once famous goddess of death...Shroomy...her eyes now a deep glazed over souless black...and the marks of a servant of hell itself showed under her eyes and on her forehead...she had sold her soul to gain power from those who governed hell. The priest screamed out in horror as she places the tip of her scythe under his chin*

Find Bobo...or else I shall go from town to village and ravage them all like my army has done to wouldn't want all these souls and peoples fates to rest on your soul...or thier blood to stain your would you?

*The priest was dragged to the far edge of the symbole and whitnessed the town being burned before he took off running to the other town screaming most of the way for help...all the while Shroomy began her walk again to the next village in search for souls to repay her debt*

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:35 am
by BoboTheIceMan
*Having spent more time than he can remember in semi-seclusion; training his body, mind, and spirit. Honing his skills, so they mesh better than before, for he had been lax in the past. Many had died on that count, all his fault. No one can save everyone, but they can atleast try.. until their life essence has left the planet as well.*

*Today was a pleasent day, slightly balmy with a nice breeze slightly cool, for it was blowing in from the northern mountains, and enough cloud cover to keep the sun from being blinding and blistering. It was also Fourteenth-Day. Not the fourteenth day of the month, but of his 'week'. Since he started his training, every 14 days, he'd come to the village, catch up on local and other news only twice did he have to go out and fight something the villagers couldn't take on. He felt that since he'd been training harder these past 6 days, he deserved a little bigger break, not only from his training but from what he ate. So he sat with some friends and enjoyed a nice roast pork, when some commotion from the other end of the village caught their attention.*

"Demons... Demons!!.. They've come! Armageddon is here!"

*Thinking it was just another Light crossing of the demons into the outlying area, Bobo goes to stand up when the elder seated with him motions for him to sit.*

"They'll be here soon, they are comming to talk with you, about a great disaster that is plaguing them. Eat for you may not get much time later." *The elder says rather Cryptically*

*Shrugging, Bobo sits and finishes his meal, while questions rage within him. As they gather closer he can see that there are several men, some towns folk, some not, carrying another man, dressed in ragged and dirty priest robes. Setting him down before bobo; they say something to the man, and he turns towards bobo his eyes glazed from fear and opens his mouth to speak.*

"Demons have arisin, harvesting souls for the dark lord. We are all damned! Death walks.. demons follow in the wake.. taking orders.."

*Bobo leans forward* "Tell me.. what did he look like.. how did you get away?"

*The man closes his eyes and shudders* "Not a he.. not a man.. but.. a woman. She leads the army of the forsaken.. she said find you.. tell you.." *Shaking more, he desends into rambling and muttering, about the army and their hideous ways.*

*The elder motions for the men to take him away, give him rest and food. Knowing that the preist has seen more than any man can bear. Turning to look at Bobo he sees his jaw set.* "You know her, don't you. You know what she seeks, and where she'll be." *Only a nod is the responce the elder gets.* "Then you must stop her and the hellish army. Or try." *Standing up Bobo thanks the elder and the rest of the villagers for their hospitality but only as a respectful gesture for he isn't there, he is inside himself, steeling himself for the battle to come. Hoping he is ready.*