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Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:04 pm
by Mik
Just watched the last ever episode last night, well early this morning, I fucking cried about half way through.

I like this show, it's a weird sort of new-agey X-files that goes a bit ( :lol: ) further to the left and sort of says no, weird shit happens all the time. If you haven't seen the show, it's primarily about an FBI agent Olivia Dunham and eccentric, ex-mental patient, scientist Walter Bishop and his son Peter, who serve as her advisers in the area's of fringe (hence the name of the series) science, the border between fact and myth.

It started off very monster of the week and it largely remained that way until I guess the last series, but maybe most of season 4 as well, they always had the big bad the master mind behind all the events, but most episodes you could watch out of order. Underlying that format, was this father and son story, they'd be estranged for years, since he was an adolescent when his father was committed to the institution.

Walter is totally mental, but brilliant, he has a hard time relating to his son and as the seasons progress the bond between them is palpable.

It's possibly my favourite showing ending of all time, the few moments between when Walter thinks he has to sacrifice himself and he's saying goodbye to his son, are touching and heartbreaking. When Peter mouths the words "I love you, Dad" across a battleground at the end, I teared up, he's nearly always called him Walter.

Great show, if you don't like it, go fuck yourself.

Re: Fringe

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:08 pm
by Matt
Totally agree. I watched the final episodes last night and I was happy with how it ended, which was much unlike how I felt when LOST ended. That was a mixture of "what the fuck just happened?" and "I want the last 3 years I've invested in this show back.".

But yeah it's a great series and it had a good run. Although, I do feel this last series was rushed to an end... The earlier series were around 20 episodes long and this ended in 13. Also, there was no where near enough Olivia nudity. But that's just me being a dirty pervert.

Also also, have you see a TV show called Haven? It's quite fun to watch. A woman shows up to investigate some shit in a town (aptly named Haven) and gets sucked into the local legends regarding "The troubles" where weird shit happens to people. It turns out that she is immune to peoples troubles and can help them get past them. Then it also turns out that she was in the town, 27 year earlier looking for the "Colorado Kid", looking exactly as she does now and she has no memory of it. It's based on a Stephen King novel.

Re: Fringe

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:41 pm
by Mik
My aunt recommends it but I've never picked it up, I might have to look into it.